"Present at the Creation: Kenneth Burke and the First CCCC, ” with Jack Selzer for Rhetoric Review, Vol 38, 2019.
Rhetoric at the University of Chicago, published by Peter Lang Publishers, Inc., 2018.
"Materialist Rhetoric and 'For Us(e) Assessment." Enculturation, July 2017
"Intermediate Composition and Trained Incapacity," Florida English Journal, Fall 2016
"Disciplining the Community: The MA in English and Contextual Fluidty," Degree of Change: The MA in English Studies, edited by Margaret Strain and Rebecca Potter, 2016
"The Spectator, the Spectacle, and the Spectral at the TPC Sawgrass Players Tournament," for Florida edited by Jeff Rice
"Richard M. Weaver, Sharon Crowley, and Rhetorical Politics," Rhetoric Review, June 2013
"Journal of General Education and a Return to Rhetoric," JGE, 2012
"Demetrius, Denotes, and Burkean Identification at the University of Chicago," Rhetoric Review, 2010
"Extraordinary Understandings of Composition: Kenneth Burke, Henry Sams, and F.C. Ward." CCC, 2007